Archive | January, 2017

Trump, the Demon Clown vs. citizen (Leonard Clark) at Phx. city council

31 Jan
On January 25, 2017 demanded that our city council and mayor stand up against the demon clown, predator in chief Donald Trump has he attacks our immigrant brothers and sisters to gain more power for himself which is really a crime against humanity.
Mayor Stanton showed no emotion and acted like he did not listen to what I said but it was to be no more than two hours after I made my speech on cable television in front of him pressuring him to do something that he again came out publicly against the demon clown. And… Well I think mayor Stanton at Phoenix for making public statements he will have to pack up his words with actions as well because he is still a politician.
Leonard Clark
Phoenix resident
January 31st, 2017

Protest NDAA, Red Scare Warmongering by Corporate Democrats and Corporate Republicans and Donald Trump’s Wall Street Appointments

7 Jan


Please join the Arizona Democratic Socialist party
Or… Just come individually or with any other progressive group that you can… Time is running out we do not want  war with Russia…
in Protesting the NDAA, Red scare warmongering by corporate Democrats and corporate Republicans, and Donald Trump’s Wall Street Appointments at Arizona state legislature on Monday, January 9 starting at 8 AM…

Senator John McCain has stated that Russia committed an act of war… Corporate Democrats and corporate Republicans are doing nothing to stop this dangerous and aggressive talk about another Nuclear nation and… Without any direct evidence for such a statement.

The corporate military industrial complex and it’s servicing industry now on the corporate Democrats and the corporate Republican leadership… They are trying to Astroturf are progressive brothers and sisters in the corporate Democrat party so that they can take away attention from such pressing an emergency issues at standing rock… Let in our water… And the stealing of elections such as was done in the primary election against Bernie Sanders images-3.jpeg


PS for those who say that nobody has come out and supported McCain’s statement that Russia has committed an act of war against United States… We reply that… Nobody has come out against his statement as well… The corporate Democrats and the corporate Republicans take their marching orders from the same puppetmaster the real rulers of this world …the corporations and the oligarchs.
In addition… Hillary and her whole Clinton syndicate… Are very angry that they did not get what they felt they were entitled to and that was the most powerful office in the United States… As a consequence they are angry and would love to see things fall apart very badly and that includes a war with Russia which they feel stupidly could be limited without Nuclear munitions being used… Then… They… Could come out the conquering heroes that they feel and their own legendary minds that they are.
Leonard Clark
Arizona Democratic Socialist Party
Progressive Independent Non-Fracking Party
January 6th, 2017images-3.jpeg

Phx. City Councilman Sal DiCiccio Goes On Rant In Video Below. Says Mental Health Intervention Wouldn’t have Stopped Somali Man Who Tried To Murder Students With Vehicle And Knife.

5 Jan


Leonard Clark

January 5th, 2017

Can future mass murderers like Adolf Hitler, Joseph Stalin, Ted Bundy, etc. be deterred from their future murderous acts by mental health interventions? Well…Phoenix city councilman Sal DiCiccio seems to think not or at least not in the case of the Somalia terrorist at Ohio State University in November. He went on a rant after my testimony before him, the council and Phoenix mayor Stanton that if we could increase mental health care counseling and interventions to young people at a very young age we might be able to deter future acts of violence by theses mentally ill people.

Below, is the videotaped exchange between myself and then the response of the Phoenix city  councilman. Below that video is the proposed funding for early mental health intervention to Head Start programs in Phoenix and that the Phoenix city council voted for unanimously that day on November 30th, 2016. I have also posted another link dealing with some Pyschological work on trying to at least prevent some future terrorism.



Request to authorize the City Manager, or his designee, to enter into a contract with NTV, LLC to provide mental health services for the Human Services Department, Education Division Head Start Birth to Five program. In addition, authorization is requested to approve funding for an aggregate amount not to exceed $250,000 over the life of the contract, or approximately $50,000 annually. The City Controller has authority to disburse Head Start Birth to Five Program grant funds through Ordinance S 42448.

The Head Start Program Performance Standards (HSPPS) require the Head Start Birth to Five Program to support a culture that promotes children’s mental wellness and to assist with addressing behaviors that are often the manifestation of social and emotional issues in young children. The HSPPS require licensed mental health professionals to consult with families and staff, develop effective strategies and support implementation of these strategies. A Request for Proposals (RFP) was issued to identify a highly specialized mental health professional to provide direct support for children identified with difficult challenges placed in the Head Start Birth to Five Program. This professional will also participate in strategic staffing decisions for identified children.

Procurement Results
An RFP for Mental Health Consultation Services was conducted in accordance with Administrative Regulation 3.10. One proposal was received by the Department on Sept. 29, 2016. The proposal was scored by a five-member evaluation committee based on the following criteria: Experience and Qualifications (450 points); Method of Approach/Service Implementation (350 points); Price Proposal (200 points). NTV, LLC was selected via consensus for award by receiving 909 out of 1,000 possible points.

Contract Term
The contract term will be a five-year term from Dec. 12, 2016 through Dec. 11, 2021 with no extension options.

Financial Impact
The amount of the contract will be $250,000 aggregate or approximately $50,000 annually. Head Start grant funds will be used for this contract.

Responsible Department
This item is recommended by Deputy City Manager Deanna Jonovich and the Human Services Department.
