Archive | December, 2016

Former C.I.A. Director James Woolsey Advocates For Paper Trails in Electronic Voting.

31 Dec

A former CIA director (James Woolsey) when talking on Fox news about the expulsion of Russian diplomats by president Obama for alleged Russian hacking of the DNC and the 2016 elections caught me by surprise when he said laughing out loud …  that although he was worried about Russian hacking he was also really worried about the fact that most states in the United States didn’t have a paper trail or document to give to people so that they can show  evidence of whether their votes were hacked or changed after they had voted.  After all… Who would know better about overthrowing Democracies and taking out democratically elected leaders then a former director of the CIA this is a fox telling “how other foxes get into the henhouse” so to speak.

I mean… I will be honest here… I did not expect that to be coming out of the mouth of a former CIA director… But… I find myself in this case agreeing with him on the integrity of our elections are in danger as long as we don’t have some type of receipt and paper trail for this so-called great electronic voting.

Israeli leader Netanyahu needs to but out of the United States

25 Dec

Sadly… This leader of Israel… Who does not even listen to many of his people… Continually interferes in the internal politics of our country the United States of America… He has made it very clear… That he is great buddies with the upcoming monster and demon clown to be installed in the White House next month…

He insulted the traditions and protocol of our country when he came over to the United States and insulted the office of our chief executive… He is a danger to Israel… Just like Trump ironically is a danger to this country and it’s standing in the world…

I have always taken a lot of heat from some of my friends on the left over my support for the sovereignty of Israel… But now you know things have gone too far when I… A moderate… Come out telling the nation of Israel to reign in it’s arrogant leader (who now is rubbing in that he is great buddies and friends with Trump) and that Isreal needs to stop violating the internal workings of our country.

Israel’s Netanyahu lashes out at Obama over UN vote – CBS News

Trump and his dangerous promotion of Military Chauvinism in the United States.

9 Dec


In response to those who are lessening their vigilance and therefore defense of our Constitutional Democratic Republic …

Please don’t not to take this seriously… Our Constitutional Democratic Republic barely spans a little over two long lived life times… We must be ever vigilant… our country is quickly crossing over into the territory from an implied threat by this demagogue and tyrant Trump into the actual threat by this tyrant and demagogue appointing generals in many positions of civilian power… They are are waiting and gauging our response and they… thinking like the military chauvinists they are … Might be guiding their next moves by looking back at many other governments around the world such as pre-World War II Japan with Tojo’s government and… Governments of today… 

So… When people Who do not go back and look at the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution who support the demagogue and tyrant Trump quickly and shallowly point out presidents like Eisenhower or President Grant they are doing the equivalent of taking a lense and focusing on one tiny sapling in a forest of fully grown trees or an even better equivalent would be… Being in a neighborhood with burning houses yet only looking at your house that is not on fire yet and saying… “Well my house is not on fire and that’s all I care about no need to worry about the other houses that are on fire.”

Leonard Clark,

December 9th, 2016

Phoenix, Arizona

This video shows how to deal with Trump and his anti-LGBT hating Christian Right

9 Dec

Since the tyrant Trump is appointing people who hate our brothers and sisters in the LGBT community I thought this video very appropriate …

The tyrant and appointer of generals Trump now bans peaceful protest by the people! The Republic is under threat !

9 Dec

Behold… The tyrant, mad man and appointer of generals now bars the people from peacefully assembling and protesting before his inauguration, during his inauguration, and after his inauguration, the tyrant brings the stench of aristocracy and dynasty with the appointment of his family and generals … Much like Hillary.
And just like Hitler entranced some very naïve people this monster and tyrant entrances some of the people like the violent thug and demagogue and constitutional offender that he is.

The republic is now under threat internally from this monster


Trump gets ready to cross the Rubicon is the dye cast or can the Republic be saved?

9 Dec

Some people brothers and sisters who support trump are now calling us un-American because we oppose his (Trump’s)appointment of generals to civilian posts which are violations of the Declaration of Independence and the separation between the military and civilian components of the government.

In addition… It should not be forgotten… That under the uniform code of military justice it has been ruled judicially by military court of appeals and refusal of the United States Supreme Court to reverse that court’s opinion… That even retired generals are subject to the rule of not speaking ill of the president or the other major leaders of the government… So… In other words these generals once appointed will also be afraid to speak out when they see wrong unconstitutional acts being conducted by this president for fear of losing their pensions and their rank… I believe this is under article 88 and is also stipulated to some extent under another article of the UCMJ.
Many take for granted that our country… Our Constitutional Democratic Republic is older than it is… But being that it is a little over over 238 years old… That is barely 2 lifetimes… It will only take a precedent of one general or one full bird colonel to take it upon himself to follow this madman and tyrant Trump in conducting an unconstitutional act or acts that might lead us to becoming another Ukraine…

As far as being Un American… as far for opposing Trump… I beg to differ… This madman and tyrant Trump loves another dictator/bloody murderer named Vlad the Impaler Putin.

Trump destroyer of the republic

9 Dec

Trump the demon clown. Has come to destroy the republic.

Yes… I know our Trump supporting friends will say that this is good… Appointing military commanders into civilian positions… But somebody needs to go back and read their history books and civics books… This is a dangerous precedent… And exactly what the forefathers of our nation did not want… As evidenced by the Declaration of Independence which essentially stated that the military Authority would be “inferior” to the civilian authority…

This is beginning to look like Trump is considering using generals to back him thinking that this is like some kind of ancient Roman drama where soldiers will pack their generals over senator’s…

Rest assured … Trump friends… Although I know you might mean well … if any of you support this president elect in the future if he tries to use the military to crush our Constitutional Democratic Republic… I , we and millions and millions more of us will fight to our bloody deaths to stop you from destroying our Constitutional Democratic Republic and what’s left of our United States Constitution!


Trump the demon clown. Has come to destroy the republic.